”My former wife made me a millionaire. I used to have three million dollars.”
~ Bobby Hull
For any questions regarding a payment please contact us at: kvoha.hockey@gmail.com
Please note: In order to better manage the league's budget we have added the processing fee to the normal league fee for those choosing to use PayPal. If you want to avoid the processing fee please pay by check.
PayPal Payments
Payments made by Check
Should be given to a Board Member, Team Rep/Manager or mailed to:
Full-Time Payment can be made by selecting the payment amount & clicking "Pay Now"
The cost for a Full-Time player this season is $680
Payments by check can be made as follows:
Goalies play for free with your commitment to the league
This season the SUB Fee is now $15 / Game
The cost for a Part-Time player this season is $350
Payments by check can be made as follows:
Part-Time Payment can be made by selecting the payment amount & clicking "Pay Now"
Sub Fee Payment can be made by selecting the payment amount & clicking "Pay Now" (Total cost $15 per game)
Subs need to be registered to play in the league, registration is open for subs all season long. SUB FEE: $15/Game ***Payable by cash, check, PayPal or via Venmo to Paul Kokales or Gordon Brodhagen at time of play***
KVOHA c/o Gordy Brodhagen
1914 Southern Ave.
Kalamazoo, MI 49001
***If you need to make special payment arrangements, please contact a board member.***